Among the Trees Exhibition

Some time ago my friend, sculptor Patrick Bull who I’d known since university asked if I’d like to exhibit with him in Marlborough, his hometown. He had a venue lined up, the historic 17th century Merchant’s House on the high street. We visited the venue, I was blown away by the room that we were to have our work displayed in - the most original room in the house dating from 1653; The Panelled Chamber. The walls are solid oak panelling with portraits by Mary Beale adorning the walls. Old bureaus sit atop tables and chests, the floor resembled a lapping sea in some places, an oak wave frozen in time. I wondered how I’d display my work as for obvious reasons nothing could be hung. We brainstormed and decided to utilise painted boards and easels to hang my work on, Patrick would use the furniture to display his bronze sculptures.

Set up day came around and we spent hours working out how to curate the room. First it felt like we didn’t have enough work, then we were worried about it looking cluttered. Then, once we’d borrowed some table top easels and furniture from elsewhere in the house to use it suddenly all came together.

The private view was well attended and much to our relief one couple bought a drawing of mine; Cathedral and a bronze resin robin by Patrick within the first 30 minutes.

The next day was exhibition day. I started the day invigilating with Karolinka, Patrick’s wife who had been such a help in preparing for the show by printing our labels and making us dinner before the private view! The day flew past, I had a drawing on the go but was interrupted often by visitors wanting a chat which was so welcome. It felt so special to be in the Panelled Chamber all day, with access to a few places that the general public aren’t privy to. This was the first exhibition to be held at The Merchant’s House and we were told that our free to attend exhibition attracted more paying customers to the house and museum. The exhibition was so successful in the staffs eyes that going forward they are looking to hold an art exhibition every month!

The exhibition had felt a little stressful, mostly because both Patrick and I have families (two children each) and other jobs to do but I’m so glad we got to show our work together. I think my woodland inspired drawings and Patrick’s bronze birds worked so well together and made for a coherent and interesting exhibition.

Hopefully we will get to exhibit together again in the future. Thank you, Patrick for the opportunity and to all the staff and volunteers at The Merchant’s House.